Name - Approach Limited
Indication - Proceed approaching next signal at not exceeding limited speed
Name - Approach Medium
Indication - Proceed approaching next signal at not exceeding medium speed
Name - Limited Clear
Indication - Limited speed through crossovers, turnouts, sidings, interlocking limits and over power switches; then proceed at maximum authorized speed
Name - Medium Clear
Indication - Medium speed through crossovers, turnouts, sidings, interlocking limits and over power switches; then proceed at maximum authorized speed
Name - Medium-Approach Medium
Indication - Proceed at not exceeding medium speed approaching next signal at not exceding medium speed
Name - Medium-Approach Slow
Indication - Proceed at not exceeding medium speed approaching next signal at not exceeding slow speed
Name - Approach Slow
Indication - Proceed approaching next signal at slow speed. Train or engine exceeding medium speed when indication is seen must take action at once to reduce to medium speed or slower, if necessary
Name - Approach
Indication - Proceed prepared to stop at next signal. Train or engine exceeding medium speed when indication is seen must take action at once to reduce to medium speed or slower if necessary
Name - Distant Signal
Indication - Approach next signal prepared to stop
Name - Medium Approach
Indication - Proceed and not exceeding medium speed prepared to stop at next signal
Name - Slow-Approach Slow
Indication - Slow speed through crossovers, turnouts, sidings, interlocking limits, and over power switches. Train or engine may then proceed at maximum authorized speed, if conditions permit, but must approach the next signal at not exeeding slow speed
Name - Slow-Approach
Indication - Slow speed through crossovers, turnouts, sidings, interlocking limits, and over power switches; then proceed at not exceeding medium speed prepared to stop at next signal
Name - Restricting
Indication - Proceed at restricing speed
Name - Stop then Proceed
Indication - Stop; then proceed at restriced speed
Name - Grade Signal
Indication - Proceed at restricted speed without stopping
Name - Stop
Indication - Stop