This file contains all AAR assigned reporting marks as of April, 1987. In the absence of AAR assigned reporting marks, "the AAR uniform Alpha code is given, designated with *. Reporting marks, along with the car serial number, are used by shippers and railroads to identify specific pieces of rolling stock. ALL organizations with cars in interchange service are assigned reporting marks by the AAR. Some reporting marks may still be registered even though the organizations no longer have cars in interchange service or may still be awaiting delivery of ordered, but not yet available, cars. The uniform ALPHA code is assigned by the AAR to all organizations that may be involved in handling rail equipment. The ALPHA code usually, but NOT always, is the same as the reporting marks and, in the case of an organization that has no current or planned interchange equipment, is NOT to be considered as reporting marks until so assigned. The ALPHA code is used by shippers and railroads to identify car-handling organizations for purpose of routing, billing, division of charges, etc. Please note that this file contains references to companies that are known to be no longer in existence.
Reporting Company Cars in Marks Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AA Ann Arbor Railroad (Michigan Interstate Railway, Operator) 119 AACX State of Alaska, Dept. of Natural Resources ? AAMX ACFA, Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril, S.A. 582 AATX Ampacet Corp. 1 AAX Agrico Chemical Co. 174 ABB * Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad 0 ABBX Abbott Laboratories 4 ABCK * Alaska British Columbia Transportation Co. 0 ABCX Tennessee Valley Authority 78 ABIX Anheuser-Busch Inc. 98 ABL * Alameda Belt Line 0 ABOX Railbox Co. 1415 ABPR Aberdeen and Briar Patch Railway 84 ABTX General Electric Railcar Services (Abbott Laboratories, Lessee) 35 AC Algoma Central Railway 1081 ACAX Allied Chemical Div. of Allied Canada, Inc. 44 ACBL * American Commercial Barge Lines 0 ACBX Scandinavian Oil Co. 7 ACDX Allied Chemical Co. 665 ACEX Blue Circle Atlantic Inc. ? ACFX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries 39427 ACGX Acme Gas Corp. 2 ACIS Algoma Central Railway (Intl. Service between U.S. and Canada) 17 ACIX Arkansas Chemicals Inc. 11 ACJR * Ashtabula Carson & Jefferson Railroad 0 ACL Seaboard System Railroad (Atlantic Coast Line Railroad) 2453 ACMX Voith Hydro Inc. 4 ACOX Aurora Cooperative Elevator Co. 48 ACPX Amoco Canada Petroleum Co. 139 ACRC * Andalusia & Conecuh Railroad 0 ACRX American Chrome & Chemicals Inc. 33 ACSX First Union Properties, Inc. (Allied Chemical, Lessee) 96 ACTX Allied Chemical Co. 819 ACY Norfolk and Western Railway (Akron Canton & Youngstown Railway) 85 ADIR * Adirondack Railway 0 ADMX ADM Transportation Co. (Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., Lessee) 3696 ADN Ashley, Drew & Northern Railway 1821 AEC * Southern Railway System (Atlantic & East Carolina Railway) 0 AEPX American Electric Power Service Corp. 3117 AESX General Electric Railcar Services (A.E. Staley Mfg., Lessee) 836 AEX The Andersons 48 AFEX Farmers Elevator Co. of Arthur, ND 25 AFLR Alabama & Florida Railroad 29 AFPX Fibers & Plastics Co., Div. of Allied Corp. 690 AFTX American Freedom Train ? AGCX Alberta Gas Chemicals Ltd. 227 AGEX A.G. Pipe Lines Inc. 12 AGFX Anchor Gas and Fuel Co. 4 AGIX AGRI Financial Services Inc. 244 AGLX Andrews Petroleum Inc. 40 AGPX Chicago Freight Car Leasing Co. 25 AGS * Southern Railway System (Alabama Great Southern Railroad) 0 AHCX Arcadian Corp. 375 AHMX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries ? AHT * Alaska Hydro-Train 0 AHW Ahnapee & Western Railway 120 AICX Hoeganaes Corp. ? AINX Trailer Train Co., Acorn Division 3 AKZX AKZO Chemie America 40 AL * Almanor Railroad 0 ALBX Albert City Elevator 20 ALCX Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd. ? ALEX AGRI Financial Services Inc. 353 ALLX Alliance Machine Co. 3 ALM Arkansas & Louisiana Missouri Railway 265 ALNX Alberta Government 476 ALPX Alberta Government 523 ALQS Aliquippa and Southern Railroad 25 ALS Alton & Southern Railway 0 ALUX Alumax of South Carolina Inc. 28 ALWX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 8 ALY * Allegheny Railroad 0 AM * Arkansas & Missouri Railroad 0 AMAX AMAX Coal Co. 238 AMBX Amherst Industries 4 AMC Amador Central Railroad 173 AMCX Amoco Chemicals Co. 1519 AMEX Alimentos Balanceados de Mexico 6 AMHR * Landisville Railroad 0 AMMX Cyprus Industrial Minerals Co. 115 AMOX Amoco Oil Co. 1336 AMPX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Amalgamaize Co., Lessee) 124 AMTK National Railroad Passenger Corp. (Amtrak) 863 AMWX Amway Corp. 12 AN Apalachicola Northern Railroad 1263 ANAX Excel Railcar Corp. 8 ANBX Anbel Corp. ? ANCX American Norit Co. 16 ANR Angelina & Neches River Railroad 148 AOCX Aluminum Co. of America 138 APA Apache Railway 315 APAX West Penn Power Co. 209 APCX Allied Products Co. 6 APD * Albany (NY) Port District 0 APEX Apex Tank Car Line 29 APIX Commonwealth Plan Inc. (Air Products and Chemicals, Lessee) 7 APLX American President Intermodal Co. 252 APMX Air Products Manufacturing Co. 8 APNC * Appanoose County Community Railroad 0 APRX Air Products and Chemicals 265 APWX Appalachian Power Co. 3 AQCX Aqua-Chem Inc., Cleaver Brooks Div. 1 AR Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad 172 ARA Arcade and Attica Railroad 0 ARC * Alexander Railroad 0 ARCX Alaska Rail Car Co. 24 ARDP Missouri Pacific System (Leased thru ART from E.I. duPont) 19 AREX Aeropres Corp. 63 ARGX Associated Railcar Inc. 44 ARIX Airco Industrial Gases 106 ARMH Missouri Pacific System (Leased thru ART from Miller Brewing) 286 ARMN Missouri Pacific System 7 ARMX American Rail & Marine Corp. ? AROX General American Transportation Corp. (Air Reduction Co., Lessee) ? ARPX Arco Petroleum Products Co. 150 ARR Alaska Railroad 881 ARRG * Altra Railroad 0 ARRX Anaconda Minerals Co. 120 ARSX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries ? ART American Refrigerator Transit Co. ? ARW * Kansas City Southern Railway (Arkansas Western Railway) 0 ARWX Alabama River Woodlands Inc. 16 ASAB Atlanta & Saint Andrews Bay Railway 837 ASCX Algoma Steel Corp. Ltd. 30 ASDA * Asbestos & Danville 0 ASDX Allied Services, Div. of Allied Equities Corp. ? ASFX American Steel Foundries Inc. ? ASGX Anchorage Sand & Gravel Co. ? ASHX General American Transportation Corp. (Ashland Oil Inc., Lessee) ? ASML * Atlanta, Stone Mountain & Lithonia Railway 0 ASRX Amstar Corp. 692 ASRY Ashland Railway 5 ASTX Asarco Inc. 322 ASYX Avondale Shipyards Inc. ? ATCO * Arnold Transit 0 ATLT AT&L Railroad 149 ATLX Atlas Machine & Iron Works ? ATMX U.S. Dept. of Energy, Albuquerque Operations 30 ATRW Anthracite Railway 2 ATSF Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 42736 ATTX Trailer Train Co. 243 ATW Atlantic and Western Railway 1101 AUNW Austin Railroad (d/b/a Austin & Northwestern Railroad 0 AUS * Augusta & Summerville Railroad 0 AVCX AVCO Aerostructures 12 AVL Aroostook Valley Railroad 598 AWCX Airco Welding Products ? AWIX Albright & Wilson Inc. 16 AWP Seaboard System Railroad (Atlanta & West Point Rail Road) 120 AWW * Algers Winslow and Western Railway 0 AYSS * Allegheny & South Side 0 AZEX Arizona Electric Power Cooperative 121 BA Consolidated Rail Corp. (Boston & Albany Railroad) 10 BADX Baden Investment Co. 29 BAEX Farmers Elevator Co. of Bondurant, IA 15 BAGX Bags Inc. 1 BALX Baam Leasing Co. ? BAR Bangor and Aroostook Railroad 3481 BASX Bay State Milling Co. 10 BAWX Babcock & Wilcox Co. 6 BAYX Union Tank Car Co. 14 BAZX Bay Zinc Co. 3 BBCX BBC Brown Boveri Inc. 2 BCAX Blue Circle Atlantic Inc. 30 BCCX Border Chemical Co. 2 BCDX Borden Chemical, Div. of Borden Inc. 553 BCE * British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 0 BCFX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 141 BCGX Bay Cities Gas Corp. 4 BCH British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 367 BCIT BC Rail Ltd. 2549 BCIX Blue Circle Inc. 78 BCK Consolidated Rail Corp. (Buffalo Creek Railway) 0 BCLR Bay Colony Railroad 113 BCMX Bullet Concrete Materials Co. 20 BCNE Canadian National Railways 637 BCOL BC Rail Ltd. 7324 BCPX Brighton Corp. 2 BCRR * Boyne City Railroad 0 BCTX Boise Cascade Corp. (Intra-Plant Service) ? BCWX Union Tank Car Co. ? BDCX Diamond Bathurst Inc. 50 BDMX Blue Diamond Mining Inc. 189 BDNX Baroid Div., NL Industries 10 BECX FMC Corp. 30 BEEM * Beech Mountain Railroad 0 BELX Bell Processing Inc. ? BENX Bennett Lumber Products 125 BEPX Wycon Chemical Co. 3 BFCF * Bremerton Freight Car Ferry 0 BFFX Greenlease Inc. 3 BFGX B.F. Goodrich Co., Chemical Group 409 BH Bath & Hammondsport Railroad 0 BICX Beker Industries Corp. 50 BIGX Big Three Industries 21 BJGX B.J. Gas Supply Inc. 3 BJHX B.J. Hughes Inc. 42 BJRY * Burlington Junction Railway 0 BKRR * Batten Kill Railroad 0 BKTY Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad 1257 BLA * Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad 0 BLCX Commonwealth Plan Inc. 57 BLE Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad 4765 BLKM * Black Mesa & Lake Powell 0 BLOL * Bloomer Line 0 BM Boston & Maine Corp. 2112 BMDX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. ? BMH * Beaufort and Morehead Railroad 0 BML Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad 5 BMRG * Blue Mountain and Reading Railroad 0 BMS Berlin Mills Railway 271 BN Burlington Northern Railroad 43850 BNFE Burlington Northern Railroad 1849 BNML Burlington Northern (Manitoba) Ltd. 0 BO Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 33629 BOBX Freeman Gas of North Carolina 6 BOCT * Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad 0 BOCY * Boat Company 0 BOP * Border Pacific Railroad 0 BPAX U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration 4 BPOX BP Oil Inc. 69 BPPX International Minerals & Chemicals Corp. 70 BRAN * Brandon Corp. 0 BRAX Brae Transportation Inc. 496 BRC Belt Railway Company of Chicago 0 BREX Big Rivers Electric Corp. 55 BRFD * Branford Steam Railroad 0 BRG Brownsville and Rio Grande International Railroad 63 BRKX Burke Energy Corp. 37 BRLX BRS Leasing Co. 36 BRR * Belton Railroad 0 BRRC * Borinstein Railroad 0 BRW * Black River and Western Corp. 0 BS Birmingham Southern Railroad 215 BSCX Bethlehem Steel Corp. 360 BSMX Bay State Milling Co. 32 BSOR * Buffalo Southern Railroad 0 BSPX Otter Tail Power Co. 251 BSTX Trinitas Corp. (Bay State Milling Co., Lessee) 30 BTAX Big Three Lincoln-Alaska Inc. 5 BTCO * Boston Terminal Co. 0 BTTX Trailer Train Co. 33 BUDX Budd Company ? BVHX B.V. Hedrick Gravel and Sand Co. ? BVRY Brandywine Valley Railroad 90 BWCX Borg-Warner Chemicals 478 BXN Bauxite & Northern Railway 29 CABX Cabot Corp. 806 CACV Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railway 99 CAD Cadiz Railroad 46 CAGX MHC Inc., Subsidiary of ConAgra Inc. 941 CAGY Columbus and Greenville Railway 1114 CALX California Railcar Corp. 148 CAMX Chrysler Capital Transportation Services 120 CAPX TransAlta Utilities Corp. 1 CARR * Carrollton Railroad 0 CARX Carlon Inc. 14 CASO * CP Rail (Canada Southern Railway) 0 CBIX Central Bi-Products 2 CBL Conemaugh & Black Lick Railroad 0 CBQ Burlington Northern Railroad (Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad) 1970 CBRY Copper Basin Railway 439 CC Chicago Central & Pacific Railroad 2022 CCAX California Contemporary Trust 43 CCBX Union Carbide Corp. 1988 CCCX Carondelet Coke Corp. ? CCDX Dayton Power and Light Co. 131 CCHX Columbian Chemicals Canada Ltd. 3 CCIX Stauffer Chemical Co. 9 CCKX CCKX Inc. 55 CCLX Crystal Car Line Inc. 1321 CCMX Calcium Carbonate Co. ? CCO * Seaboard System Railroad (Clinchfield Railroad) 0 CCPR * Chelatchie Prairie Railroad 0 CCR Corinth and Counce Railroad 906 CCT Central California Traction Co. 2 CCTX Central Power and Light Co. 381 CCX Columbian Chemicals Co. 658 CCYR * Colleton County Railroad 0 CDGX Carolinas Domestic Gas Co. 3 CDTX California Dept. of Transportation ? CEBX Combustion Engineering Inc. 4 CEI Missouri Pacific System (Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad) 381 CEIW Central Indiana & Western Railroad 0 CELX Celtran Inc., Subsidiary of Celanese Corp. 2124 CEMX Cementos Mexicanos S.A. 19 CENX Western Aggregates Inc. 100 CEPX Cajun Electric Power Cooperative 848 CERX Carpenter Chemical Co. 59 CEWX Canadian Enterprise Gas Products Ltd. 82 CF * Cape Fear Railways 0 CFLX Crestbrook Forest Industries ? CFPX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 111 CFSX C & T Refinery Inc. ? CFWR Caney Fork and Western Railroad 0 CG Southern Railway System (Central of Georgia Railway) 455 CGBX Procor Ltd. 601 CGCX Continental Grain Co. 686 CGDX County Gas Distributors Inc. 3 CGEX Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd. 3 CGFX Consolidated Gas Co. of Florida 2 CGLX CGTX Inc. 873 CGMX CGTX Inc. 615 CGSX Proflame Inc. 3 CGT * Canada and Gulf Terminal Railway 0 CGTX CGTX Inc. 4896 CGW Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. (Chicago Great Western Railway) 757 CHAX Chartrand's Tank Car Service Inc. 49 CHEX USI Chemicals Co. Inc. 526 CHH * Cheswick & Harmar Railroad 0 CHLX Chemleco Inc. 5 CHP Ferrocarril de Chihuahua Al Pacifico 1679 CHR * Chestnut Ridge Railway 0 CHSR Chillicothe Southern Railroad 25 CHTT Missouri Pacific System (Chicago Heights Terminal Transfer RR) 630 CHV Chattahoochee Valley Railway 0 CHVX Chevron USA Inc. 1057 CHW Chesapeake Western Railway 22 CI Cambria and Indiana Railroad 814 CIC Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway 139 CIIX Contico International Inc. 12 CIM Chicago & Illinois Midland Railway 1070 CIPX Central Illinois Public Service Co. 289 CIRR Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad 753 CISD * Colonel's Island Railroad 0 CITX PLM Railcar Management Services Canada Ltd. 609 CIW Illinois Central Gulf Railroad (Chicago & Illinois Western Railroad) 10 CJRR * C & J Railroad Investment Co. 0 CLC Columbia & Cowlitz Railway 890 CLCO Claremont and Concord Railway 0 CLCX Unocal Chemicals Div., Union Oil Co. of California 3 CLEX Chemical Enterprises Inc. 50 CLGR * Central Louisiana & Gulf Railroad 0 CLIF * Cliffside Railroad 0 CLK Cadillac & Lake City Railway 1 CLP Clarendon and Pittsford Railroad 100 CLSL Columbia and Silver Creek Railroad 25 CM * Central Montana Rail Inc. 0 CMER Curtis Milburn and Eastern Railroad 0 CMIX Consolidated Minerals Inc. ? CMNW * Chicago Missouri & Western Railway 0 CMO Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. (Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha Ry.) 0 CMPA * Madison Railroad (City of Madison Port Authority, Operator) 0 CN Canadian National Railways 61702 CNA Canadian National Railways 3747 CNCX Columbia Nitrogen Corp. 111 CNGX Consolidated Gas Transmission Corp. 25 CNHX Ontario Hydro 324 CNIS Canadian National Railways 2873 CNJ Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad of New Jersey) 12 CNOR * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Cincinnati Northern Railroad) 0 CNOX Shell Canada Ltd. 1 CNTP * Southern Railway System (Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific) 0 CNTX Continental Tank Car Corp. 176 CNW Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. 31566 CNWX Canadian Wheat Board 8475 CNYK Central New York Railroad 0 CO Cheaspeake and Ohio Railway 43050 COE Colorado & Eastern Railroad 12 COER American Rail Heritage Ltd. (d/b/a Crab Orchard & Egyptian Railroad) 136 CONX Conoco Inc. 664 COOX Cooperative Producers Inc. 59 COP City of Prineville Railway 148 CORX Adolph Coors Co. 69 COSX Cabot Corp., CAB-O-SIL Div. 44 COTX Consolidated Transportation Corp. 31 CP CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) 40709 CPAA CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) 3412 CPHX Ontario Hydro 251 CPI CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) 862 CPIX Continental Polymers Inc. 3 CPLJ * Camp Lejeune Railroad 0 CPLT * Camino Placerville & Lake Tahoe Railroad 0 CPOX Consumers Power Co. 1039 CPPX Consolidated Papers Inc. 154 CPRX Carolina Power & Light Co. 1 CPSX Commercial Plastics Systems Inc. ? CPWX Canadian Wheat Board 8318 CR Consolidated Rail Corp. 69326 CRDX Chicago Freight Car Leasing Co. 2929 CRE * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Eastern District) 0 CREX Merchants Investment Co. 37 CRGX Cargill Inc. 714 CRIJ * Carolina Rail Services Inc. 0 CRL * Chicago Rail Link 0 CRLE * Coe Rail Inc. 0 CRMX MHC Inc., Subsidiary of ConAgra Inc. 24 CRN * Southern Railway System (Carolina and Northwestern Railway) 0 CRR Seaboard System Railroad (Clinchfield Railroad) 3941 CRVC * Cimarron River Valley Railway 0 CRYX Cryo-Trans Inc. 23 CS Burlington Northern Railroad (Colorado and Southern Railway) 817 CSCX Oglebay Norton Co. 5 CSDX Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago 12 CSL Chicago Short Line Railway 83 CSNX Oxy Cities Service NGL Inc. 296 CSOX CITGO Petroleum Corp. 238 CSP Camas Prairie Railroad 0 CSS Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad 267 CSTX Canada Starch Co. 30 CSUX City of Colorado Springs, Dept. of Public Utilities 106 CSX Central Transportation Co. 26 CSXT CSX Transportation Co. 0 CTCX Endasa S.A. De C.V. 1 CTEX Canterra Energy Ltd. 156 CTIE Kansas City Southern Railway 0 CTLX Endasa S.A. De C.V. ? CTML Cairo Terminal Railroad 134 CTN Canton Railroad 54 CTRX C & T Refinery Inc. 56 CTTX Trailer Train Co. 1148 CUEX Colorado-Ute Electric Association ? CURB * Curtis Bay Railroad 0 CUST * Chicago Union Station Co. 0 CUVA * Cuyahoga Valley Railway 0 CV Central Vermont Railway 228 CVAR * Cedar Valley Railroad 0 CVC Canadian National Railways 918 CW Colorado & Wyoming Railway 234 CWCX Canandaigua Wine Co. 6 CWEX Commonwealth Edison Co. 6 CWMX Chemical Waste Management Inc. 10 CWP Chicago West Pullman & Southern Railroad 210 CWR California Western Railroad 0 CWSX USS-Posco Industries 4 CWTX ChemWest Industries Inc. 2 CXIX Chemical Exchange Industries Inc. 4 CYX American Cyanamid Co. ? CZ * Coahuila & Zacatecas Railway 0 CZCX Crown Zellerbach Corp. ? DA CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) (Dominion Atlantic Railway) 0 DAFX U.S. Department of Defense (Passenger Cars) 27 DAIR * D & I Railroad 0 DAKR Dakota Rail Inc. 166 DAPX Dairyland Power Cooperative 242 DATX DATX Associates 6 DAX Diamond Shamrock Chemicals 87 DBCX BASF Corp. 243 DC Delray Connecting Railroad 116 DCCX McDonnell Douglas Corp. 6 DCLR Delaware Coast Line Railroad 15 DCLX Procor Ltd. 518 DCMX Davidson Construction Materials Inc. 100 DCPX Dart Container Corp. of Pennsylvania 1 DCTX PLM Railcar Management Services Canada Ltd. 263 DEEX Detroit Edison Co. 3084 DEGX Mississippi Power Co. 459 DH Delaware and Hudson Railway 4219 DHNY Delaware and Hudson Railway 200 DKPX Duke Power Co. ? DKS Missouri Pacific System (Doniphan Kensett and Searcy Railway) 2 DLC * Drummond Lighterage 0 DLCR * Delaware Coast Line Railroad 0 DLGX Lewis Grain Co. 26 DLRX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 15 DLTX Dale L. Thornborough 10 DLW Consolidated Rail Corp. (Delaware Lackawanna & Western Railroad) 0 DM Detroit and Mackinac Railway 1303 DME * Dakota Minnesota & Eastern Railroad 0 DMIR Duluth Missabe and Iron Range Railway 5510 DMU * Des Moines Union Railway 0 DNE Duluth & Northeastern Railroad 0 DOCX Du Pont Canada Inc. 323 DODX U.S. Dept. of Defense, Military Traffic Management Command 2701 DOLX Dolese Brothers Co. 19 DOWX Dow Chemical Co. 5616 DPCX Blue Circle Inc. 4 DQE * DeQueen and Eastern Railroad 0 DR Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad 976 DRAX Draycutt Corp. 1 DRDX Duredo Co. ? DRGW Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad 9271 DRI Davenport Rock Island and North Western Railway 0 DSDX Pullman Leasing Co. 186 DSRC Dakota Southern Railway 128 DTEX Dresser Transportation Equipment Div. ? DTI Grand Trunk Western Railroad (Detroit Toledo and Ironton Railroad) 1937 DTLX Delta Tank Line Co. 48 DTS Grand Trunk Western Railroad (Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad) 207 DTTX Trailer Train Co. 816 DUCX Du Pont Canada Inc. ? DUKX Dupps Co. 5 DUPX E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. 6307 DVLX Pennzoil Sulphur Co. 440 DVR Devco Railway 0 DVS Delta Valley & Southern Railway 0 DW * Detroit & Western 0 DWC Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific Railway 2392 DWCX David Witherspoon Inc. 3 DWML * Due West Motor Line 0 DWP * Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific Railway 0 DYLX Transportation Equipment Inc. 41 EACH East Camden and Highland Railroad 296 EBAX Ethyl Corp. 648 ECBR * East Cooper and Berkeley Railroad 0 ECCX Ethyl Canada Inc. 68 ECDX Ethyl Petroleum Additives Inc. 54 ECIX Erman Corp. ? ECUX Exxon Chemical Americas 2692 EDCX El Dorado Chemical Co. 21 EDSX Exxon Co. USA 30 EDW * El Dorado and Wesson Railway 0 EEC East Erie Commercial Railroad 0 EELX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 117 EENX Equipment Enterprise Inc. ? EHDX Erman-Howell Div., Luria Steel and Trading Corp. ? EJE Elgin Joliet and Eastern Railway 6595 EJR East Jersey Railroad and Terminal Co. 0 EL Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna Railroad) 1920 ELCX Eli Lilly and Co. 101 ELFX Electric Fuels Corp. 605 ELKX Elkem Metals Co. 17 ELS Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad 504 ELTX Soltex Polymer Corp. 948 EM * Edgmoor & Manetta Railway 0 EMPX Empiregas Equipment Corp. 1 EN Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway 188 ENCX EN ERCO International Inc. ? ENDX Endasa S.A. De C.V. 1861 EOGX Union Carbide Ethylene Oxide/Glycol Co. 140 ERCX Excel Railcar Corp. 250 ERDX Merchants Despatch Transportation Co. ? ERIE Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie Railroad) 3 ERLX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 239 ESHR Eastern Shore Railroad 55 ESLJ East St. Louis Junction Railroad 0 ESMX Essem Corp. ? ETCX Tennessee Eastman Co. 1266 ETL Essex Terminal Railway 0 ETRY East Tennessee Railway 45 ETTX Trailer Train Co. 12596 EUGX Farmland Industries Inc. 5 EUKA Eureka Southern Railroad 28 EURX Eurocan Pulp & Paper Co. 100 EV * Everett Railroad 0 EWSX Indianapolis Power & Light Co. 373 FALX Falk Corp. 2 FARX Farmers Cooperative Co. of Cleghorn, IA 3 FCCX Farmers Cooperative Co. 30 FCDN * Ferrocarril de Nacozari 0 FCEN Florida Central Railroad 0 FCEX Farmers Union Central Exchange 7 FCM Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico 45 FCP Ferrocarril del Pacifico 5323 FCRK * Falls Creek Railroad 0 FCSX Florida Crushed Stone Co. 4 FCYR * Franklin County Railroad 0 FDDM Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. (Fort Dodge Des Moines & Southern Railway) 2 FDMA * Ferrocarril de Minatitlan al Carmen 0 FEC Florida East Coast Railway 2452 FEIX Farmers Elevator Inc. of Grace City 2 FEMX Freight Equipment Management Co. 10 FFIX Procor Ltd. (Finlay Forest Industries, Lessee) 20 FGCX Florida Gulf Coast Railroad Museum (Passenger Cars) 6 FGER Fruit Growers Express Co. 2619 FGMR Fruit Growers Express Co. 2033 FGTX Florida Gas Terminals Inc. 3 FGWX U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Federal Grain Inspection Service (scale test cars) ? FJG Fonda Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad 209 FLIX Farmland Industries Inc. 1700 FLT * Foss Launch & Tug 0 FMIX CCKX Inc. 10 FMLX FMC Corp. 413 FMOX FMC Corp. 36 FMRC * Farmrail Corp. 0 FP Fordyce & Princeton Railroad 323 FPAX Formosa Plastics Corp. USA 673 FPBX Federal Paper Board Co. 324 FPCX Occidental Chemical Corp., PVC Resins 125 FPFX Foster Poultry Farms Inc. 75 FPPX Fayette Power Project 1023 FRCX Continental Tank Car Corp. ? FRDN Ferdinand Railroad 1068 FRTX Frit Transportation Inc. 13 FRY * Fore River Railway 0 FSCX Frank Mitacek Railway Service 2 FSHX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 33 FSUD * Fort Street Union Depot Co. 0 FSVB * Kansas City Southern Railway (Fort Smith and Van Buren Railway) 0 FTCX Far Port Cooperative Inc. 100 FTTX Trailer Train Co. 1119 FUS Ferrocarriles Unidos de Sureste 675 FWD Burlington Northern Railroad (Fort Worth and Denver Railway) 558 FWRD * Fairmont and Western Railroad 0 FWU * Fort Wayne Union 0 GA Seaboard System Railroad (Georgia Railroad) 421 GACX General American Transportation Corp. 4552 GAEX General American Transportation Corp. ? GAFX General American Transportation Corp. 2 GALX Georgia Power Co. 600 GAMX Arrendadora Nacional de Carros de Ferrocarril S.A. 237 GANO * Southern Railway System (Georgia Northern Railway) 0 GAOX General American Transportation Corp. (Chemetron Corp., Lessee) 6 GAPX Georgia Gulf Corp., Plaquemine Div. 754 GARX General American Transportation Corp. 51 GASX General American Transportation Corp. 15 GATX General American Transportation Corp. 45391 GAUX General American Transportation Corp. 21 GAYX General American Transportation Corp. 94 GBRX Greenbrier Leasing Corp. 39 GBW Green Bay and Western Railroad 1491 GCGX Gulf Coast Grain Inc. 201 GCMX Gulf Coast Management Corp. 2 GCPX Georgia Gulf Corp., PVC Div. 109 GCW * Garden City Western Railway 0 GCX Alltank Equipment Corp. (Allied Chemical Co., Lessee) 258 GDCX General American Transportation Corp. 4 GELX Garvey Elevators Inc. 96 GERY * Georgia Eastern Railroad 0 GETX Texaco Chemical Co. 146 GETY Gettysburg Railroad 12 GEX General Electric Co. 106 GF Southern Railway System (Georgia & Florida Railway) 0 GFC * Grand Falls Central Railway 0 GFHX Commercial Credit Capital Corp. (Gifford-Hill & Co., Lessee) 39 GFJX Garrett Railroad Car & Equipment Inc. of Florida 14 GGIX Garvey International Inc., Garvey Grain Div. 135 GGPX General American Transportation Corp. 822 GHBX G. Heileman Brewing Co. 5 GHH Galveston Houston and Henderson Railroad 0 GHRD Green Hills Rural Development Inc. (d/b/a Chillicothe-Brunswick Rail Maintenance Authority) 0 GHRX GHR Energy Corp. 43 GIHX Gifford-Hill & Co. Inc. 153 GKLX Gold Kist Inc. 3 GLCX Great Lakes Carbon Corp. 455 GLKX Great Lakes Chemical Corp. 14 GLNX GLNX Corp. 1311 GLSR Gloster Southern Railroad 126 GMCX General Motors Corp. 17 GMO Illinois Central Gulf Railroad (Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad) 1590 GMRC Green Mountain Railroad 246 GMSR Gulf & Mississippi Railroad 846 GN Burlington Northern Railroad (Great Northern Railway) 3028 GNA Graysonia Nashville & Ashdown Railroad 58 GNAX Gloucester N.A. Inc. 1 GNFX City of Gainesville, FL 108 GNWR Genesee and Wyoming Railroad 564 GOCX Chevron USA Inc. 1102 GOHX General American Transportation Corp. 70 GONX Railgon Co. 1878 GOT Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority ? GPBX Georgia-Pacific Corp., Bellingham Div. 101 GPCX General Electric Co., General Purpose Control Dept. ? GPEX General American Transportation Corp. ? GPIX General Portland Inc. 100 GPMX Georgia-Pacific Corp., Mid-Continent Wood Prod. Div. 17 GPPX Georgia-Pacific Corp., Portland Div. 49 GPSX Georgia-Pacific Corp., Eastern Wood Products Div. 449 GPUX GPU Service Corp. 1 GRCX Granite Rock Co. 95 GRDX Grand River Dam Authority 718 GRN Greenville and Northern Railway 198 GRNR * CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) (Grand River Railway) 0 GROX Growth Nonstock Cooperative Inc. 130 GRR Georgetown Railroad 1416 GRYX John H. Grace Co. 41 GSCX GATX/GLC Leasing Corp. 1110 GSF * Southern Railway System (Georgia Southern & Florida Railway) 0 GSIX Gas Supply Inc. 53 GSNX Gulf States Utilities Co. 605 GSOR Indiana Hi-Rail Corp. 98 GSPX Great Southern Plywood Co. 12 GSW * Great Southwest Railroad 0 GSWX G & S Company Inc. 2 GTAX Harvest States Cooperative 418 GTC * Gulf Transport 0 GTIS * Guilford Transportation Industries 0 GTR * Rosedale-Bolivar County Port Commission (d/b/a Great River Railroad) 0 GTRA * Golden Triangle Railroad 0 GTTX Trailer Train Co. 86 GTW Grand Trunk Western Railroad 7422 GU Grafton and Upton Railroad 0 GUAX Georgia Power Co. 225 GUEX General American Transportation Corp. 175 GVCX Glen-Valley Corp. ? GVLX Greenlease Inc. 126 GWF * Galveston Wharves 0 GWHX Stephens Energy Ltd. 75 GWIX GWI Leasing Corp. 907 GWR Great Western Railway 223 HB * Hampton & Branchville Railroad 0 HBGX HBG Enterprises of Tampa Inc. 7 HBT * Houston Belt & Terminal Railway 0 HCLX HIMONT Canada Inc. 159 HCMX Harnischfeger Corp. 8 HCPX Occidental Chemical Corp. 377 HCRC Hillsdale County Railway 345 HCTX Hallett Construction Co. 109 HCYR * Horry County Railway 0 HDM * Hudson & Manhattan 0 HE Hollis & Eastern Railroad 60 HECX Hoosier Energy REC Inc. 103 HELX HELM Equipment Leasing Co. 2483 HEPX Ontario Hydro 2 HERX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Hershey Foods Corp., Lessee) 49 HESR * Huron & Eastern Railway 0 HFPX General American Transportation Corp. (Hygrade Food Products, Lessee) ? HGCX Hillsboro Glass Co. 1 HIIX Trailer Train Co., Hamburg Div. 18 HIMX Heppner Iron & Metal Co. 2 HJBX H. J. Baker & Bro. Inc. ? HLMX HELM Financial Corp. 446 HLPX Houston Lighting & Power Co. ? HMCR * Huntsville and Madison County Railroad 0 HMFX Florida Rock Industries Inc. ? HMIX Henkels & McCoy Inc. ? HMR * Hoboken Manufacturers Railroad 0 HN Hutchinson and Northern Railway 149 HOCX Head-On Collision Line 66 HOKX Occidental Chemical Corp. 994 HOMX Home Oil Co. Ltd. 170 HONX Honeymead Products Co. 25 HPAX Hammermill Paper Co. 250 HPCX Hercules Inc. 326 HPIX HIMONT USA Inc. 654 HPLX Exxon Co. USA 1243 HPTD * High Point Thomasville & Denton Railroad 0 HRDL * Hudson River Day Line 0 HRRX Consolidated Transportation Corp. 20 HRSX Heritage Railway Service Inc. 1 HRT Hartwell Railway 25 HS Hartford and Slocomb Railroad 318 HSCX Steel Wheels Ltd. 1 HSMX Housmex Inc. 6 HSW Helena Southwestern Railroad 22 HTCX Transportation Corp. of America 458 HTTX Trailer Train Co. 875 HUBA * Hudson Bay Co. 0 HUNX Huntting Elevator Co. 25 HWCX Halliburton Co. 159 HWPX Hiram Walker & Sons Inc. 10 HYDX Union Carbide Corp. 19 IAIS Iowa Interstate Railroad 483 IANR Iowa Northern Railway 316 IAPX Liquid Air Corp. 10 IAT Iowa Terminal Railroad 125 IBPX IBP Inc. 175 IBT * International Bridge & Terminal Co. 0 IC Illinois Central Gulf Railroad (Illinois Central Railroad) 6109 ICG Illinois Central Gulf Railroad 22842 ICIX ICI Americas Inc. 66 ICRK * Indian Creek Railroad 0 ICRX Island Creek Coal Co. 234 IDAX Industria del Alcali S.A. ? IDOX EG&G Idaho Inc. 2 IESX IESX Corp. 8 IFBX Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association 148 IFCX Interstate Foods Corp. 76 IFOX Jeffrey J. Kelling 1 IGN * Missouri Pacific System (International-Great Northern Railroad) 0 IHB Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad 251 IHRC Indiana Hi-Rail Corp. 603 ILDX General Electric Co., Lighting Business Group 26 IMCX International Minerals & Chemical Corp. 2460 IMEX Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. 3 IMFX General American Transportation Corp. (International Multifoods, Lessee) ? IMID * Indiana Midland Co. 0 IMMX Industrial Minera Mexico S.A. ? IMTX Multifoods Transportation Inc. 50 INGX Ingomar Packing Co. 6 INLX Inland Steel Coal Co. 717 INOH Indiana and Ohio Railroad 3 INRD Indiana Rail Road 46 INT Southern Railway System (Interstate Railroad) 0 IOPX Iowa Power and Light Co. 242 IPCX International Paper Co. 188 IPLX Illinois Power Co. 100 IPPX Intermountain Power Agency 273 IPSX Midwest Energy Services Co. 485 IPWX Interstate Power Co. 120 IREX IRECO Inc. 10 IRN * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Ironton Railroad) 0 IRRC Iowa Railroad Co. 30 ISPX Western Co. of North America 16 ISU * Iowa Southern Utilities (Southern Industrial Railroad) 0 ITB * Island Tug & Barge Ltd. 0 ITC Norfolk and Western Railway (Illinois Terminal Railroad) 1524 ITGX ITG Inc. 19 ITTX Trailer Train Co. 971 IU Indianapolis Union Railway 0 JCLX Mid-Am Equipment Inc. ? JCMX James C. McCanless 10 JCSX Sawyer Gas of Jacksonville Inc. 3 JE * Jerseyville and Eastern Railroad 0 JEFW Jefferson Warrior Railroad 220 JGS * James Griffiths & Sons 0 JHPX Huntsman Chemical Corp. 133 JJRD J and J Railroad 106 JLMX John L. McCarthy 3 JMHX J.M. Huber Corp. 610 JNTX John Neas Tank Lines Inc. 20 JSRC Jackson and Southern Railroad 5 JSRW Ontario Eastern Railroad (d/b/a Jersey Southern Railway) ? JTCO * Jacksonville Terminal Co. 0 JTHX Merchants Investment Co. 6 JTTX Trailer Train Co. 1878 JWAX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (S.C. Johnson Co., Lessee) 39 JWFX J.W. Flammer Co. 16 JWRX Jim Walter Resources Inc. ? KABX Kaber Co. 6 KACX Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. 44 KAMX Kamen Inc. 3 KARX Hamilton Elevators 1 KATX Marubeni America Corp. 4 KBSR Kankakee Beaverville and Southern Railroad 82 KCAX KCAC Inc. ? KCCX Kennecott Corp. 555 KCDX Eastman Kodak Co. 7 KCGX Kaiser Cement Corp. 41 KCIX ARCO Chemical Co. 170 KCLX Kansas City Power & Light Co. 939 KCMO * Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico (Ferrocarril Kansas City Mexico y Oriente) 0 KCMX Saskterra Fertilizers Ltd. 133 KCNW * Kelley's Creek and Northwestern Railroad 0 KCS Kansas City Southern Railway 6925 KCT * Kansas City Terminal Railway 0 KCWB * Kansas City Westport Belt 0 KCWX Kimberly-Clark of Canada Ltd. 150 KDEX KDEX Leasing Co. 33 KEBX Ronald L. Boothman Remainder Trust (Koppers Co., Lessee) 40 KELX Kellogg Co. 289 KENN * Kennecott Company Railroad 0 KEWH * Kewash Railroad 0 KFGX Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH 4 KFMX Oils Unlimited ? KFPX Koppers Co. 1 KGCX Koppers Co. 95 KGFX Kingsford Co. 94 KIIX Kerley Industries Inc. 20 KJRY Keokuk Junction Railway 84 KKRR * Knox & Kane Railroad 0 KLGX Alan Kelling ? KM * Kansas and Missouri Railway and Terminal Co. 0 KMCX Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. 535 KNC * Kingcome Navigation Co. Ltd. 0 KNDX Golden State Metals Inc. 40 KNOR * Klamath Northern Railway 0 KOAX Coca-Cola USA 35 KOG Missouri Pacific System (Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf Railway) 0 KPCX Koppers Co. 550 KPLX Agrex Inc. 150 KRDX K.R.D-X Co. 29 KRPX Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. ? KSMX Kosmos Cement Co. 5 KT Kentucky and Tennessee Railway 0 KTTX Trailer Train Co. 1246 KTX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries ? KUCX Kentucky Utilities Co. 126 KWTX K & W Trucking Co. ? KWUX Utility Power Corp. 1 KYLE Kyle Railroad 2718 LA Kansas City Southern Railway (Louisiana and Arkansas Railway) 3 LACX Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 10 LAHX Calrail Co. 20 LAJ * Los Angeles Junction Railway 0 LAKX City of Lakeland, FL 169 LAL * Livonia Avon & Lakeville Railroad 0 LAMX Lamco Inc. 320 LAPT * Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal 0 LAPX General American Transportation Corp. (Linde Air Products, Lessee) 35 LASB Lackawaxen and Stourbridge Railroad 220 LBR * Lowville and Beaver River Railroad 0 LBWX Pulaski Development Co. (Technical Petroleum Co., Lessee) 4 LC Lancaster and Chester Railway 60 LCCE * Lee County Central Electric 0 LCCX Liquid Carbonic Inc. 6 LCEX Lone Star Industries Inc. 75 LCIX Liquid Carbonic Corp. 37 LCPX LCP Transportation Inc. (LCP Chemicals & Plastics Inc., Lessee) 300 LCRC Lenawee County Railroad 43 LCRX Lower Colorado River Authority 44 LCWX LCP Chemicals-West Virginia Inc. 62 LDCX Louis Dreyfus Corp. 193 LDRR * Louisiana & Delta Railroad 0 LDRT * Lake Front Dock and Railroad Terminal Co. 0 LDTC * Lawndale Transportation Co. 0 LE * Louisiana Eastern Railroad 0 LECX Leco Corp. ? LEE * Lake Erie and Eastern Railroad 0 LEF Lake Erie Franklin & Clarion Railroad 441 LEFX Greenville Leasing Co. ? LEN * CP Rail (Canadian Pacific Ltd.) (Lake Erie & Northern Railway) 0 LEOX Louisville Vegetable Oil Supply Co. 30 LER * Logansport & Eel River Railroad Museum 0 LEYX Wanda Petroleum Co. 19 LGAX Lockheed-Georgia Co. 5 LGEX L.G. Everist Inc. 153 LGIX Lincoln Grain Inc. 784 LHR Consolidated Rail Corp. (Lehigh and Hudson River Railway) 0 LI * Long Island Rail Road 0 LINX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 2 LLCX LLCX Inc. 20 LLIX LUC Leasing Inc. 39 LLKX Needham Transportation Co. 11 LM Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. (Litchfield and Madison Railway) 0 LMIX Loram Maintenance of Way Inc. ? LMT * Louisiana Midland Transport 0 LMTX Chartrand's Tank Car Service Inc. 3 LMWX Railway Marketing Corp. 37 LN Seaboard System Railroad (Louisville and Nashville Railroad) 21543 LNAC Louisville New Albany & Corydon Railroad 920 LNE Consolidated Rail Corp. (Lehigh and New England Railway) 0 LNW Louisiana and North West Railroad 34 LOAM Louisiana Midland Railway 0 LOVX American Colloid Co. 233 LOWX Tosco Corp. ? LPIX Luci Petroleum Inc. 4 LPN Longview Portland & Northern Railway 318 LPSG * Southern Railway System (Live Oak Perry & South Georgia Railway) 0 LRLX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 133 LRPA Little Rock Port Railroad 0 LRS Laurinburg and Southern Railroad 364 LRWN Little Rock & Western Railway 1217 LS Soo Line Railroad 0 LSBC Chicago Rail Link (La Salle and Bureau County Railroad) 42 LSCX L.S. Chemical Corp. 1 LSI Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad 2085 LSIX Liquid Sugars Inc. 47 LSO * Southern Railway System (Louisiana Southern Railway) 0 LSTT * Lake Superior Terminal & Transfer Railway 0 LT Lake Terminal Railroad 373 LTC * Lafferty Transportation Co. 0 LTCR * Leelanau Transit Co. 0 LTCX Union Carbide Corp. 18 LTTX Trailer Train Co. 1274 LTVX LTV Steel Co. ? LUCX Railroad Car Management Co. 144 LUN * Ludington and Northern Railway 0 LUNX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 450 LUX Tosco Corp. ? LV Consolidated Rail Corp. (Lehigh Valley Railroad) 100 LVAL Lackawanna Valley Railroad 20 LVRC Lamoille Valley Railroad 524 LW Louisville and Wadley Railway 0 LWV * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley Railway) 0 MAA * Magma Arizona Railroad 0 MAAX Maxx Leasing Co. 5 MAGX Magnimet, Monroe Scrap Div. ? MANX Manchester Gas Co. 10 MAPX Mapco Gas Products Inc. 15 MASX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Masonite Corp., Lessee) 74 MATX Merchants Investment Co. ? MAYW * Maywood & Sugar Creek 0 MB Meridian & Bigbee Railroad 411 MBFX MBF Industries Inc. 225 MBPX MacMillan-Bloedel Inc. 27 MBRR * Meridian & Bigbee Railroad 0 MCCX Mt. Vernon Coal Transfer Co. 80 MCDX Redland Worth Corp. ? MCER * Massachusetts Central 0 MCHX PLM Railcar Maintenance Co. 167 MCIX Applied Chemicals Div., Mobley Co. Inc. ? MCPX Monsanto Co. 478 MCR * McCloud River Railroad 0 MCRR Monongahela Connecting Railroad 0 MCSA Moscow Camden & San Augustine Railroad 147 MD * Municipal Docks Railway (Jacksonville, FL) 0 MDDE Maryland and Delaware Railroad 14 MDLR * Midland Terminal Co. 0 MDP * Mexican Pacific Railroad 0 MDT Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp. ? MDW Minnesota Dakota & Western Railway 1153 ME Morristown & Erie Railway 2 MEC Maine Central Railroad 3675 MELX Melwire Inc. 106 MEPX McGraw-Edison Co. 2 MET * Modesto and Empire Traction Co. 0 MF * Middle Fork Railroad 0 MFCX Farmers Co-op Grain and Supply Co. 15 MFFX M4 Holdings Ltd. 16 MG * Mobile & Gulf Railroad 0 MGA Monongahela Railway 0 MGRI * MG Rail Inc. 0 MGRS * Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico 0 MGSX Martin Gas Sales Inc. 90 MH * Mount Hood Railway 0 MHAX U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Helium Field Operations 131 MHCO * Marquette & Huron Mountain Railroad 0 MHLX General American Transportation Co. (Miller Brewing Co., Lessee) ? MHRX Mile-High Railcar Leasing Inc. 2 MI Missouri Pacific System (Missouri-Illinois Railroad) 66 MID * Midway Railroad 0 MIDH * Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad 0 MIGN Michigan Northern Railway 22 MILW Soo Line Railroad (Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific) 8427 MILX Milchem Inc. 28 MIMX Minera Mexico Internacional 45 MINE * Minneapolis Eastern Railway 0 MISS Mississippian Railway 290 MISX Milwaukee Solvents & Chemicals Corp. 4 MJ Manufacturers Junction Railway 25 MKC McKeesport Connecting Railroad 391 MKIX M-K Railroad Equipment Leasing Co. 127 MKT Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad 3419 MKTT Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad 0 MLCX American Refrigerator Transit Co. 98 MLD * Midland Railway Co. of Manitoba 0 MLHX American Refrigerator Transit Co. ? MLMX Morrison Grain Co. ? MLST * Milstead Railroad 0 MLUX Monsanto Co. 35 MMAX Martin Marietta Corp. 15 MMBX Martin Marietta Corp. ? MMCX M & M Chemical Products Inc. 4 MMID Maryland Midland Railway 544 MMSX Blue Circle Inc. ? MNCW * Metro-North Commuter Railroad 0 MNCX Minnesota Corn Processors Inc. 45 MNCY * Marion County Railway 0 MNJ Middletown and New Jersey Railway 109 MNNR * Minnesota Commercial Railway 0 MNPX Morton Salt, Div. of Morton Thiokol Inc. 100 MNS Soo Line Railroad (Minneapolis Northfield & Southern) 531 MNVA Minnesota Valley Transportation Co. 630 MOBX Mobil Oil Corp. 2004 MOD Missouri Pacific System 0 MOEX Morgan Engineering ? MOFX Maxton Oil & Fertilizer Co. 10 MOGX Mangum Oil & Gas Co. ? MOHX Monsanto Co. 502 MON Seaboard System Railroad (Monon Railroad) 89 MONX Monsanto Co. 783 MOT * Marine Oil Transportation 0 MOTC * Montreal Tramways 0 MOXV Moxahala Valley Railway 3 MP Missouri Pacific System 34843 MPA Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad 1281 MPCX Moyer Packing Co. ? MPLX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Mountain Pine Lumber Ltd., Lessee) 52 MPSX Missouri Public Service Co. 120 MPTX Procor Ltd. ? MQCX Monarch Cement Co. ? MQGX XTRA Inc. 101 MR McCloud River Railroad 1183 MRCX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 50 MREX Marshall Railway Equipment Corp. 18 MRRX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 45 MRS Manufacturers Railway 647 MRSX Mile-High Railcar Leasing Inc. 84 MSDR Mississippi Delta Railroad 231 MSE Mississippi Export Railroad 276 MSEX Mountain States Energy Corp. 2 MSLC * Minnesota Short Lines Co. 0 MSMX Mid South Milling Co. 20 MSRC Midsouth Rail Corp. 175 MSRW Mississippian Railway 0 MSTL Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. (Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway) 328 MSTR Massena Terminal Railroad 0 MSV Mississippi & Skuna Valley Railroad 248 MTC Boston and Maine Corp. (Mystic Terminal Co.) 0 MTCO * Macon Terminal Co. 0 MTCX Mallard Transportation Co. 204 MTFR * Minnesota Transfer Railway 0 MTMX Modern Track Machinery Canada Ltd. ? MTR Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad (Montour Railroad) 309 MTTX Trailer Train Co. 1403 MTW Marinette Tomahawk & Western Railroad 693 MUSC * Memphis Union Station Co. 0 MVRY * Mahoning Valley Railway 0 MVT * Mt. Vernon Terminal 0 MWBX Midwest By-Products Co. 3 MWMX Golden Leasing 5 MWR Muncie and Western Railroad 0 MWRC * Mount Washington Railway 0 MWRR Montana Western Railway 0 MWSX Midwest Grain Products Inc. 47 MWTT * Michigan-Wisconsin Transportation Co. 0 NACR Nashville & Ashland City Railroad 56 NADX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 750 NAFX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 169 NAHX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 23569 NALX Nalco Chemical Co. 20 NAMX NAMX Leasing Co. 6 NAP Narragansett Pier Railroad 0 NAR Canadian National Railways (Northern Alberta Railways) 95 NARX Norchem Inc. ? NATX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 13711 NB Consolidated Rail Corp. (Northampton and Bath Railroad) 0 NBER Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad 18 NBNR Nicolet Badger Northern Railroad 68 NC Seaboard System Railroad (Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis) 1 NCAN * Incan Superior Ltd. 0 NCFX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 196 NCHX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 1109 NCRX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 18 NCTX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 1063 NCYR * Nash County Railroad Corp. 0 NDCR * N.D.C. Railroad 0 NDM Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico 37733 NDT * Ferrocarrill Nacional de Tehuantepec 0 NDYX Dresser Leasing Corp. (U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co., Lessee) 94 NECX Mid-Am Equipment Inc. 20 NEGS * New England Southern Rail Road 0 NELX Dresser Leasing Corp. ? NERR Nashville and Eastern Railroad 0 NEZP * Nezperce Railroad 0 NFD Norfolk and Western Railway (Norfolk Franklin and Danville Railway) 16 NFPX Newaygo Forest Products Ltd. 23 NGIX Northern Grain Inc. 4 NGTX Vangas Inc. 5 NH Consolidated Rail Corp. (New York New Haven & Hartford Railroad) 4 NHIR New Hope & Ivyland Railroad 51 NHN * New Hampshire Northcoast Corp. 0 NIFX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 55 NIHX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 121 NIMX Naporano Iron & Metal, Railroad Div. ? NIRX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 575 NITX Nitram Inc. 49 NJ Napierville Junction Railway 16 NJII Norfolk and Western Railway (New Jersey Indiana & Illinois Railroad) 19 NJTR * New Jersey Transit Rail Operations 0 NKP Norfolk and Western Railway (New York Chicago & St. Louis Railroad) 420 NLAX National Aeronautics and Space Administration 30 NLG North Louisiana & Gulf Railroad 1041 NLIX NL Industries Inc. ? NLX Allied Chemical Canada Ltd. ? NMCX National Machinery Co. 3 NMOR * Northern Missouri Railroad 0 NN Nevada Northern Railway 8 NNSX Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. 1 NODM * Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico (Ferrocarril Nor-Oeste de Mexico) 0 NOKL Northwestern Oklahoma Railroad 1361 NOPB New Orleans Public Belt Railroad 840 NORM * Normetal 0 NORX Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 698 NOT * Southern Railway System (New Orleans Terminal Co.) 0 NOTM * Missouri Pacific System (New Orleans Texas & Mexico Railway) 0 NP Burlington Northern Railroad (Northern Pacific Railway) 1902 NPB Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad 0 NPCX USI Chemicals Inc. 780 NPPX Nebraska Public Power District 563 NPT * Portland Terminal Railroad of Oregon 0 NRBX Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp. 4 NRC Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp. ? NRHX National Railway Historical Society (passenger cars) 19 NS Southern Railway System (Norfolk Southern Railway) 159 NSAX National Steel Corp. 376 NSC * Newtex Steam Ship 0 NSCT * Canadian National Railways (Niagara St. Catherines & Toronto Ry.) 0 NSCX National Steel Car Ltd. 3 NSHR North Shore Railroad 30 NSL St. Lawrence Railroad (Norwood and St. Lawrence Railroad) 576 NSR * Newburgh & South Shore Railroad 0 NSRC North Stratford Railroad 100 NTR Natchez Trace Railroad 164 NTTX Trailer Train Co. 3 NW Norfolk and Western Railway 70639 NWAX National Wax Co. 15 NWGX Gorham's Inc. 3 NWP Northwestern Pacific Railroad 0 NWX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 31 NYC Consolidated Rail Corp. (New York Central Railroad) 246 NYCH * New York Cross Harbor Railroad Terminal 0 NYCN * Consolidated Rail Corp. (New York Connecting Railroad) 0 NYLE * New York & Lake Erie Railroad 0 NYSW New York Susquehanna & Western Railway 392 NYSX New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 1 NZX National Zinc Co. 9 OACX Central Transportation Co. 15 OAR * Old Augusta Railroad 0 OCCX Occidental Chemical Agricultural Products Inc. 304 OCE Oregon California & Eastern Railway 144 OCTR Octoraro Railway 0 OFCX Ortner Freight Car Co. 81 OFSX Ogden Financial Services Corp. 110 OGEX Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. 1333 OGSX Iowa Southern Utilities Co. 365 OHIC Ohi-Rail Corp. 18 OILX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 129 OJTX Tauber Transportation Co. ? OKCE * Okarche Central Railway 0 OKCX Lone Star Industries 20 OKKT Oklahoma Kansas and Texas Railroad 846 OLB Omaha Lincoln and Beatrice Railway 194 OLNX Olin Corp. 893 OMAX Omaha Public Power District 344 OMID * Ontario Midland Railroad 0 OMLP * Ohio Midland Light & Power 0 ONCT * Ontario Central Railroad 0 ONT Ontario Northland Railway 625 ONTA Ontario Northland Railway 80 ONW Oregon & Northwestern Railroad 174 OPE Oregon Pacific and Eastern Railway 75 OPSX Public Service Co. of Oklahoma 710 OPX Ohio Power Co. 4 OR * Owasco River Railway 0 OROX U.S. Dept. of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations 42 OSRR * Ohio Southern Railroad 0 OTDX Greenbrier Leasing Corp. 171 OTR * Oakland Terminal Railway 0 OTTX Trailer Train Co. 2532 OTUM * Ottumwa Connecting Railroad 0 OTVR * Otter Tail Valley Railroad 0 OUCX Orlando Utilities Commission 198 OURD * Ogden Union Railway and Depot Co. 0 OWTX Shamrock Coal Co. 161 PAE Consolidated Rail Corp. (Peoria and Eastern Railway) 37 PAL Paducah & Louisville Railway 479 PAM Pittsburgh Allegheny & McKees Rocks Railroad 7 PARX Pan American Railway Co. 234 PARY Prairie Trunk Railway 10 PAUT * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania & Atlantic Railroad) 0 PBL * Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad 0 PBLX Pillsbury Co. 199 PBNE Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England Railroad 443 PBR Patapsco & Back Rivers Railroad 275 PBVR * Port Bienville Railroad 0 PC Consolidated Rail Corp. (Penn Central Transportation Co.) 8844 PCA Consolidated Rail Corp. (Penn Central Transportation Co.) 8 PCB Consolidated Rail Corp. (Penn Central Transportation Co.) 0 PCCX Peabody Coal Co. ? PCHX Poole Chemical Inc. 14 PCIX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries 3 PCMX Petro-Chem Marketing Co. 3 PCN Point Comfort & Northern Railway 580 PCTX Pioneer Cement Co. of Texas ? PCY * Pittsburgh Chartiers & Youghiogheny Railway 0 PDQX Castle Capital Corp. 19 PE Consolidated Rail Corp. (Peoria and Eastern Railway) 0 PECX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. ? PEPX Potomac Electric Power Co. 250 PER * Port Everglades Railway 0 PF * Pioneer & Fayette Railroad 0 PFE Pacific Fruit Express Co. 62 PFRX Parks Furniture Co. 1 PGCX Peoples Gas System Inc. 4 PGDX Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co. 35 PGE BC Rail Ltd. (Pacific Great Eastern Railway) 236 PGEX Portland General Electric Co. 230 PGMX Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co. 10 PGRV * Pigeon River Railroad 0 PGRX Petrolane Gas Service Inc. 106 PHD Port Huron and Detroit Railroad 389 PI * Paducah & Illinois Railroad 0 PICK Pickens Railroad 114 PJR * Port Jersey 0 PLCX Pullman Leasing Co. 7067 PLE Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad 8678 PLEX PLM Remarketing Div. of PLM Inc. 35 PLIX Polysar Inc. 26 PLMX PLM Financial Services Inc. 3286 PLWX Pullman Leasing Co. 1716 PM Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (Pere Marquette District) 0 PMAX PMA Transportation Corp. 55 PMCX Plateau Mining Co. ? PMEX Petroleos Mexicanos 2 PMKY * Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad (Pittsburgh McKeesport & Youghiogheny) 0 PNER Pocono Northeast Railway 15 PNS * Philadelphia & Norfolk Steamship 0 PNTX QO Chemicals Inc. 20 PNW Prescott and Northwestern Railroad 0 PNWX Pacific Northwest Salvage Inc. 1 POAK * Port of Oakland Railway 0 POTB Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad 32 POTX Suburban Propane Gas Corp. 184 POV Pittsburgh and Ohio Valley Railway 0 POVA * Pend Oreille Valley Railroad 0 PPBD * Port of Palm Beach District 0 PPGX PPG Industries Inc. 2020 PPLX Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. 1028 PPU Peoria and Pekin Union Railway 135 PQCX PQ Corporation 2 PQX PQ Corporation 22 PROX Procor Ltd. 6481 PRR Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania Railroad) 1651 PRSL * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines) 0 PRT * Parr Terminal Railroad 0 PRTD Portland Traction Co. 0 PRYL * Port Royal Railroad 0 PS Pittsburgh & Shawmut Railroad 939 PSBX Pacific States Railcar Co. 168 PSCX Public Service Co. of Colorado 834 PSFL * Puget Sound Freight Lines 0 PSHX Puget Sound Railway Historical Association ? PSIX Public Service Co. of Indiana 113 PSLL * Plymouth Short Line Ltd. 0 PSMX Pullman Standard Manufacturing ? PSOX Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1 PSPX Phillips Petroleum Co. 3336 PST * Philadelphia Suburban Transportation 0 PSTB * Puget Sound Tug & Barge 0 PSUX Pavers Supply Co. 30 PT * Peninsula Terminal Co. 0 PTCX Texas Petrochemicals Corp. ? PTEX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 1521 PTLX Pullman Leasing Co. 6654 PTM Portland Terminal Co. 50 PTOX PTO Inc. 10 PTRR * Port Townsend Railroad 0 PTRX Petrolite Corp. 8 PTSC * Port Terminal Railroad of South Carolina 0 PTSX Petrosol International Inc. 7 PTTX Trailer Train Co. 75 PUBX Publicker Industries Inc. 46 PUCC * Port Utilities Commission of Charleston, SC 0 PVAL Panther Valley Railroad 35 PVCX Pinto Valley Copper Corp. 35 PVFX MHC Inc., Subsidiary of ConAgra Inc. 95 PVGX MHC Inc., Subsidiary of ConAgra Inc. 493 PVRR * Pioneer Valley Railroad 0 PVS * Pecos Valley Southern Railroad 0 PVSX Pressure Vessel Service Inc. 2 PVYX Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp. ? PW Providence and Worcester Railroad 276 PWV Norfolk and Western Railway (Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway) 1 PYFX Petrolane Gas Service Inc. 62 QC Quebec Central Railway 1470 QOCX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Quaker Oats Co., Lessee) 150 QOHX Quaker Oats Co. 33 QOTX QO Chemicals Inc. 101 QRR * Quincy Railroad 0 QSMX Quaker State Oil Refining Corp. 13 QTTX Trailer Train Co. ? RACN Raccoon River Railroad 0 RAIX Union Carbide Corp. 2443 RAMX Rail America Ltd. ? RAPX Rapco Transportation Co. 44 RARW Rarus Railway 124 RAWX Platte River Power Authority 65 RAX RPI-AAR Cooperative Test Program ? RBBN Burlington Northern Railroad 6 RBBQ Burlington Northern Railroad 11 RBBX Western Fruit Express Co. ? RBCS Burlington Northern Railroad (Colorado and Southern Railway) 173 RBNX Fruit Growers Express Co. 23 RBOX Railbox Co. 11985 RBW Burlington Northern Railroad 0 RC * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Rosslyn Connecting Railroad) 0 RCCX Relco Tank Line Inc. 1 RCMX Railroad Car Management Co. 84 RCRX Reagent Chemical & Research Inc. 208 RDG Consolidated Rail Corp. (Reading Company) 2666 RDIX Rapid Industrial Plastics Co. 16 RECX Central Louisiana Electric Co. 512 REDX Miron/USA Ltd. 25 RELX Relco Tank Line Inc. 222 RESX Rescar Inc. ? RFCX R & F Coal Co. 42 RFMX Caldwell-Baker Co. 349 RFP Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad 2288 RGCX Rio Grande Chemical Sales Co. 152 RGIX Republic Gas and Utilities Corp. 1 RHBX R.H. Bogle Co. ? RI Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad 0 RILX Interail Inc. 60 RMX Ready Mixed Concrete Co. ? RIPX Rochester Independent Packers Inc. ? RJCR * R.J. Corman Railroad 0 RJNX R.H. Bogle Co. 30 RJRX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries ? RKCX Knox Kershaw Inc. ? RKMW Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad 0 RLSX Robert L. Shipp 3 RMCX Reynolds Metals Co. 437 RMDX American Refrigerator Transit Co. 71 RMIX Ready Mixed Concrete Co. 56 RNDX ACF Industries, Amcar Div. ? ROCK Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Raroad 0 ROIX Shintech Inc. 373 ROYX TCL Inc. 1 RPCX Ralston Purina Co. 139 RPIX Rhone-Poulenc Inc. 19 RR Consolidated Rail Corp. (Raritan River Rail Road) 1 RREX Rex Railways Inc. 246 RRLX Railroad Resources Inc. ? RRRX Rex Leasing Inc. ? RS Roberval and Saguenay Railway 0 RSB * Rochester Subway 0 RSNR * Red Springs and Northern Railroad 0 RSP Roscoe Snyder and Pacific Railway 464 RSPX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 2 RSR * Rochester & Southern Railroad 0 RSS Rockdale Sandow & Southern Railroad 124 RSTX RSTX Inc. 33 RSUX Riley Stoker Corp. 2 RSYX Refined Sugars Corp. ? RT River Terminal Railway 0 RTA * Regional Transportation Authority 0 RTCX Union Tank Car Co. 470 RTLX Relco Tank Line Inc. 191 RTMX Richmond Leasing Co. 5059 RTPX Wheelabrator Coal Services Co. 497 RTTX Trailer Train Co. 5135 RUDX Ruddy Tank Car Co. 10 RUSX U.S. Rail Services Inc. 2039 RV Rahway Valley Railroad 74 RWBX Petroleum Fuels Co. ? SA Southern Railway System (Savannah and Atlanta Railway) 10 SAL Seaboard System Railroad (Seaboard Air Line Railroad) 1515 SAMX Cargill Inc. 150 SAN Sandersville Railroad 396 SANX San Angelo Tank Car Line 25 SATX City Public Service Board of San Antonio, TX 804 SAUX Sauvage Gas Co. 100 SAWX SAWCO Inc. 5 SAZX Saz Transportation Co. 198 SB South Buffalo Railway 199 SBC Ferrocarril Sonora Baja California 207 SBD Seaboard System Railroad 97689 SBGX Industry Financial Corp. (Scoular-Bishop Grain Co., Lessee) 40 SBK South Brooklyn Railway 0 SBLN * Sterling Belt Line Railway 0 SBM * Missouri Pacific System (St. Louis Brownsville & Mexico Railway) 0 SBVR South Branch Valley Rail Road 0 SCBG * Santa Cruz Big Trees & Pacific Railway 0 SCEX Southern California Edison Co. 2 SCFS * Straits Car Ferry Service Corp. 0 SCGX Schuler Grain Co. 6 SCHX Stauffer Chemical Co. 54 SCJX Chevron USA Inc. 87 SCKX Northern Coal Transportation Co. 441 SCL Seaboard System Railroad (Seaboard Coast Line Railroad) 20282 SCLX PPG Canada Inc. 43 SCM * Strouds Creek & Muddlety Railroad 0 SCMX Shell Oil Co. 1359 SCOX Scoular Grain Co. 288 SCPX Shell Oil Co. 757 SCST * Seaboard Transportation Co. 0 SCT * Sioux City Terminal Railway 0 SCTR South Central Tennessee Railroad 105 SCWX South Carolina Public Service Authority 419 SCYX Farmers Cooperative Association of York, NE 10 SDCX AMAX Chemical Corp. 84 SDEX Swindell-Dressler Energy Supply Co. 629 SDIY * San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad 0 SE * Ferrocarriles Unidos del Sureste 0 SECX South-East Coal Co. 509 SEIX Seimax Gas Corp. 4 SEMX Seminole Electric Cooperative Inc. 300 SEPA Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 0 SEPX Southwestern Electric Power Co. 1520 SERA Sierra Railroad 198 SERX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries (Union Carbide Corp., Lessee) ? SFIX System Fuels Inc. 2251 SFLC Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 702 SFLR * Shore Fast Line Inc. 0 SFPP * Spruce Falls Power & Paper 0 SFRC Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 5 SFSX San Francisco Transportation Services Co. ? SFTX Continental Tank Car Corp. 51 SGAX SGA Leasing Co. 44 SGCX Sungas Corporation of Florida 1 SGIX LPG Transportation Inc. 21 SH Steelton & Highspire Railroad 30 SHPX Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries 33 SI Spokane International Railroad 16 SIGX Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co. 55 SIMX Sierra Bag Co. 12 SIND * Southern Indiana Railway 0 SIRR * Southern Industrial Railroad 0 SIRY * Staten Island Railway 0 SJEX SJEX Inc. 1 SJMX St. Joe Minerals Corp. 81 SJRT * Southern Railway System (St. Johns River Terminal Co.) 0 SJRX Jacksonville Electric Authority 400 SKCX ARCO Chemical Co. ? SKNX Saskatchewan Grain Car Corp. ? SKPX Saskatchewan Grain Car Corp. ? SLAW * St. Lawrence Railroad 0 SLAX St. Lawrence Starch Co. Ltd. 8 SLC San Luis Central Railroad 1332 SLGG Sidney & Lowe Railroad 30 SLGW * Salt Lake Garfield and Western Railway 0 SLH * Sugarloaf & Hazleton Railroad 0 SLOX Selox Inc. 1 SLSF Burlington Northern Railroad (St. Louis-San Francisco Railway) 6146 SLTX Slade Transport Inc. ? SM St. Marys Railroad 1113 SMA * San Manuel Arizona Railroad 0 SMAX Siemens Inc. 2 SMCX San Miguel Electric Cooperative Inc. 42 SMEX South Mississippi Electric Power Association 160 SMIX Structural Metals Inc. 7 SMV * Santa Maria Valley Railroad 0 SN Sacramento Northern Railway 0 SNBL * Sioux City & New Orleans Barge Line 0 SNCT Seattle & North Coast Railroad 116 SNFX IND/AG Chemicals Inc. 25 SNHX IND/AG Chemicals Inc. 22 SOEX Shell Oil Co. 684 SOIX Sand Seed Service Inc. 9 SOLX Solano Rail Car Co. 3 SOM Somerset Railroad 190 SONX Agtrans Corp. 40 SOO Soo Line Railroad 11435 SOPR * South Pierce Railroad 0 SOU Southern Railway System 65046 SP Southern Pacific Transportation Co. 36648 SPAX Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 16 SPCX Saskatchewan Power Corp. ? SPEG Spencerville & Elgin Railroad 50 SPFE Southern Pacific Transportation Co. 3256 SPS Burlington Northern Railroad (Spokane Portland and Seattle Railway) 206 SPUD * St. Paul Union Depot Co. 0 SQVR * Sequatchie Valley Railroad 0 SRC * Strasburg Railroad 0 SRCX Sid Richardson Carbon Co. 537 SRIX Southern Region Industrial Realty Inc. 11 SRLX General American Transportation Corp. ? SRN Sabine River & Northern Railroad 541 SROX U.S. Dept. of Energy, Savannah River Operations 4 SRPX Salt River Project Agr. Improvement and Power District 170 SRRX Star Railroad Equipment 15 SS Sand Springs Railway 0 SSDK Savannah State Docks Railroad 223 SSGX McMaster Grain Co. 25 SSH * South Shore Railroad 0 SSIX Itel Rail Corp. 147 SSLV * Southern San Luis Valley Railroad 0 SSVX SSI Industries Inc. ? SSW St. Louis Southwestern Railway 13347 ST * Springfield Terminal Railway 0 STAX Stauffer Chemical Co. 343 STCX Sterling China Co. ? STE Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad 196 STEX Sterling Chemicals Inc. 212 STLX A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. 555 STMA St. Maries River Railroad 651 STMX A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. 506 STOX ACF Industries Inc., Amcar Div. ? STRC * Stuart Channel Transportation Ltd. 0 STRT * Stewartstown Railroad 0 STRX St. Regis Paper Co. ? STTX Trailer Train Co. 731 STWX Struthers Wells Corp. 1 SULX Sultran Ltd. 1040 SUN * Sunset Railway 0 SUNX Sun Refining and Marketing Co. 790 SUR * State University Railroad 0 SVIL * Saltville Railroad 0 SWFX Southwest Forest Industries 70 SWRX Richmond Rail Equipment Leasing Co. 19 SWYX Stauffer Chemical Co. of Wyoming 110 TACX Transport Arts Corp. 44 TAEA * Tangipahoa & Eastern 0 TAG Southern Railway System (Tennessee Alabama & Georgia Railway) 0 TALX Trical Inc. ? TANX Transitank Car Leasing Corp. 5 TARX Sandersville Leasing Inc. 146 TASD Terminal Railway, Alabama State Docks 991 TATX Tanco Transportation Corp. 20 TBCX Boeing Co. 20 TCAX Transportation Corp. of America 1064 TCCX TCCX Corp. 85 TCDX Union Tank Car Co. 356 TCG Tucson Cornelia and Gila Bend Railroad 0 TCGX Tri-County Gas Inc. 4 TCKR * Turtle Creek Industrial Railroad 0 TCT * Texas City Terminal Railway 0 TCX General American Transportation Corp. (Texaco Inc., Lessee) 20 TECX Texas Crushed Stone Co. ? TEIX Transportation Equipment Inc. 98 TELX Pennwalt Carriers Corp. 111 TEM * Ontario Northland Railway (Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway) 0 TEMX Temple-Eastex Inc. 9 TENN * Southern Railway System (Tennessee Railway) 0 TEXC Texas Central Railroad 0 TGAX Texasgulf Inc. 687 TGIX Texasgulf Inc. 507 TGOX U.S. Rail Services Inc. 195 TGPX Tamak Transportation Corp. 70 TGSX Texasgulf Inc., Soda Ash Operation 379 THB Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo Railway 589 THCX Publicker Industries Inc. 22 TILX Trinity Industries Leasing Co. 4221 TIMX Trinity Industries Leasing Co. 227 TIOC Tioga Central Railroad 0 TIPP * Tippecanoe Railroad 0 TIRL * Tonawanda Island Railroad 0 TJRX S.M. Brooks 4 TKCX Thiele Kaolin Co. 2 TKEN Tennken Railroad 40 TLCX Pullman Leasing Co. 2291 TLDX Pullman Leasing Co. 3282 TM Texas Mexican Railway 883 TMAX Tennessee River Pulp & Paper Co. 50 TMBL * Tacoma Municipal Belt Line Railway 0 TMCX Temco Corp. 192 TMPX Texas Municipal Power Agency 50 TMSS * Towanda-Monroeton Shippers Lifeline Inc. 0 TMT * Trailer Marine Transportation Corp. 0 TN Texas & Northern Railway 185 TNCX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (The Nestle Co., Lessee) 60 TNM Missouri Pacific System (Texas-New Mexico Railway) 0 TOC Consolidated Rail Corp. (Toledo & Ohio Central Railway) 0 TOE Texas Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad 1812 TOV * Tooele Valley Railway 0 TP Missouri Pacific System (Texas and Pacific Railway) 204 TPBX General American Transportation Corp. (Texaco Inc., Lessee) 1 TPCX Purdy Co. 40 TPEX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. ? TPFX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (Triangle Pacific Corp., Lessee) 89 TPIX Tropicana Products Sales Inc. 225 TPPX Thilmany Pulp & Paper Co. ? TPRX Texas Power & Light Co. ? TPTX Trailer Train Co. ? TPW Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (Toledo Peoria and Western Railroad) 30 TRAX Railtex Inc. 451 TRC * Trona Railway 0 TRCX Treco Sales Inc. 27 TRGX Terminal Grain Corp. 68 TRIX Midwest Energy Services 692 TRMX TRM Industries 6 TRNX Trinity Railcar Leasing 689 TRPX Tropigas Inc. of Florida 15 TRRA Terminal RR Assn. of St. Louis 0 TRSX Endasa , S.A. De C.V. 293 TRTX W.J. Kirberger, Trustee 13 TRUX Midwest Bottle Gas Co. 6 TRYX Tri-County Cooperative Association 10 TS Tidewater Southern Railway 0 TSBY Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway 280 TSE Texas South-Eastern Railroad 117 TSSX U.S. Dept. of Energy, Albuquerque Operations 32 TSU * Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway 0 TTAX Trailer Train Co. 39 TTBX Trailer Train Co. 4709 TTCX Trailer Train Co. 447 TTDX Trailer Train Co. 250 TTFX Trailer Train Co. 99 TTGX Trailer Train Co. 5301 TTHX Trailer Train Co. 389 TTIS Transkentucky Transportation Railroad 50 TTIX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. ? TTJX Trailer Train Co. 282 TTKX Trailer Train Co. 2524 TTLX Trailer Train Co. 405 TTMX Trailer Train Co. 20 TTNX Trailer Train Co. 37 TTPX Trailer Train Co. 2434 TTR * Tijuana & Tecate Railway 0 TTRX Trailer Train Co. 562 TTSX Trailer Train Co. 326 TTUX Trailer Train Co. 2467 TTVX Trailer Train Co. 850 TTWX Trailer Train Co. 14237 TTX Trailer Train Co. 15486 TTZX Trailer Train Co. 675 TUGX Texas Utilities Generating Co. 375 TUST * Texarkana Union Station Trust 0 TVAX Tennessee Valley Authority 450 TWGX Tidewater Grain Co. ? TWRY Tradewater Railway 486 TXIX Texas Industries Inc. 41 TXNW Texas North Western Railway 665 TXPX Texas Petrochemicals Corp. 40 TXTC * Texas Transportation Co. 0 TXTX Econo-Rail Corp. 1 TYC * Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (Tylerdale Connecting Railroad) 0 UBTX Union Camp Corp. 2 UCCX Union Carbide Canada Ltd. ? UCEX Union Electric Co. ? UCFX Union Carbide Corp. 389 UCIX Unichema Chemicals Inc. 14 UCLX Vulcan Materials Co., Chemicals Div. 642 UCOX Union Carbide Corp. 29 UCPX Essem Corp. (Union Carbide Corp., Lessee) ? UCR * Utah Coal Route 0 UELX United Equipment Leasing Associates 1872 UFIX Utility Fuels Inc. 2496 UIWX Riley Stoker Corp. 2 UMP Upper Merion and Plymouth Railroad 974 UMPX Upper Merion and Plymouth Leasing Co. 1125 UNCX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 100 UNI * Unity Railways 0 UNPX Procor Ltd. 3806 UNSX Unitrain Services (Agent for Iowa Power & Light) 138 UO * Union Railroad of Oregon 0 UOCX General American Transportation Corp. (Union Oil Co. of California, Lessee) 15 UOEX Union Oil Co. of California 10 UP Union Pacific Railroad 41726 UPAX United Power Association 55 UPFE Union Pacific Railroad 4039 UPP Union Pacific Railroad 0 URDX Arch of Kentucky Inc. 796 URR Union Railroad (Pittsburgh, PA) 449 URTX General American Transportation Corp. ? URY * Union Railway of Memphis 0 USAX U.S. Dept. of Defense, Troop Support and Aviation Material Readiness Command 9 USBX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 329 USCX William G. Simon 46 USEX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 349 USGX Union Sugar Div., Holly Sugar Corp. 575 USIX U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co. 100 USLX Evans Railcar Leasing Co. 7247 USNX U.S. Dept. of Defense, Military Traffic Management Command ? USPX U.S. Plastics Corp. ? USSX U.S. Steel Corp. 90 UTAH Utah Railway Co. 0 UTBX Union Tank Car Co. 333 UTCX Union Tank Car Co. 3717 UTLX Union Tank Car Co. 43501 UTPX Suburban Propane Gas Corp. 348 UTR * Union Transportation Co. 0 UTTX Trailer Train Co. 117 VALE * Valley Railroad 0 VALX Sierra Pacific Power Co./Idaho Power Co. 93 VC Virginia Central Railway 0 VCSX Virginia Chemicals Inc. 53 VCTX Venture Chemical Co. ? VCY Ventura County Railway 0 VE Visalia Electric Railroad 0 VENX Endasa, S.A. De C.V. 8 VEPX HELM Equipment Leasing Co. ? VGN Norfolk and Western Railway (Virginian Railway) 162 VGPX Valley Grain Products Inc. 15 VIAX VIAX Inc. 4 VICX Vista Chemical Co. 512 VIPX Vista Chemical Co. 166 VMCX Commonwealth Plan Inc. (Vulcan Materials Co., Lessee) 123 VMEX Vernor Materials Equipment Co. 100 VMMX Vulcan Materials Co., Metals Div. 106 VOLX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. (American Colloid Co., Lessee) ? VRRC * Vandalia Railroad 0 VSO Valdosta Southern Railroad 395 VTR Vermont Railway 563 VTTX Trailer Train Co. 1216 VUHX Wagner Mills Inc. 10 VULX Vulcan Materials Co., Southeast Div. 112 VWCX Vernon Warehouse Co. 10 WA Seaboard System Railroad (Western Railway of Alabama) 129 WAB Norfolk and Western Railway (Wabash Railroad) 297 WACR * Washington County Railroad 0 WAL * Western Allegheny Railroad 0 WAR Warrenton Railroad 296 WAS * Waynesburg Southern 0 WATC * Washington Terminal Co. 0 WATR * Waterville Railway 0 WAW * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Waynesburg and Washington Railroad) 0 WBC * Wilkes-Barre Connecting Railroad 0 WBCX Williams Bros. Inc. 70 WBMX Lauhoff Grain Co. 7 WBTS * Waco Beaumont Trinity & Sabine Railway 0 WCCX Welland Chemical Inc. ? WCDX Farmland Industries Inc. 75 WCFX Western Co-Operative Fertilizers (U.S.) Inc. 250 WCHX Walter Haffner Co. 150 WCRC * Washington Central Railroad 0 WCRX United Grain Corp. 16 WCSX Wheelabrator Coal Services Co. 123 WCTR WCTU Railway Co. 1644 WCTX West Central Cooperative 40 WECX Westinghouse Electric Corp. 19 WEIX Wilbur-Ellis Co. 10 WELX Welland Chemical Inc. 37 WEPX Wisconsin Electric Power Co. 1052 WESX Westar Timber Ltd. ? WFAX Western Fuels Association Inc. 745 WFCX Western Farmers Electric Cooperative 342 WFE Burlington Northern Railroad 0 WFIX WFIX Partners 130 WGBX W.G. Block Co. ? WGFX Willard Grain & Feed Inc. 19 WHI Burlington Northern Railroad 0 WHN * Consolidated Rail Corp. (Wharton and Northern Railroad) 0 WHOE Walking Horse and Eastern Railroad 0 WICT Wisconsin & Calumet Railroad 86 WIF * West India Fruit & Steamship 0 WIGX Wigeon Car Co. 18 WISX Wisconsin Power & Light Co. 1012 WITX Continental Carbon Co., Sub. of Witco Corp. 287 WJSL * West Jersey Short Line 0 WLE * Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway 0 WLFB * Wolfeboro Railroad 0 WLO Waterloo Railway 1382 WM Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (Western Maryland Railway) 4614 WMSC * White Mountain Scenic Railroad 0 WMWN * Missouri Pacific System (Weatherford Mineral Wells & Northwestern) 0 WNFR Winifrede Railroad 200 WNGX Western Natural Gas Co. 5 WP Western Pacific Railroad 3318 WPGX Western Paving Construction Co. ? WPLX General Electric Railcar Services Corp. 5 WPMW Western Pacific Railroad 0 WPSX Wisconsin Public Service Corp. 380 WPY * White Pass & Yukon Route 0 WRDX Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co. 123 WRLX Relco Tank Line Inc. 4 WRNX Chevron USA Inc. 377 WRPI * Western Railroad Properties Inc. 0 WRPX Public Service Co. of Indiana 157 WRRC Western Rail Road 592 WRSX Scholle Corp. 28 WRTX Western Rail Leasing Corp. 80 WRWK Providence and Worcester Railroad (Warwick Railway) 450 WRX Western Refrigerator Line Co. 11 WRY * Waterloo Railway 0 WS * Ware Shoals Railroad 0 WSCX Buffalo Brake Beam Co. ? WSOR Wisconsin & Southern Railroad 11661 WSOX Wisconsin & Southern Leasing Co. 3250 WSR * Warren & Saline River Railroad 0 WSS Winston-Salem Southbound Railway 0 WSSX Wedron Silica Co. 24 WSX Weirton Steel Div., National Steel Corp. ? WSYP * White Sulphur Springs & Yellowstone Park Railway 0 WT * Weldwood Transportation Ltd. 0 WTCO * Western Transportation Co. 0 WTCX Weyerhaeuser Co. 314 WTNN West Tennessee Railroad 30 WTOH * Western Ohio Railroad 0 WTRY * Wilmington Terminal Railroad 0 WTSE * West Shore Railroad 0 WTTX Trailer Train Co. 2120 WUTX Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission ? WVCX Westvaco Corp. 276 WVN * West Virginia Northern Railroad 0 WVRD * Willamette Valley Railroad 0 WW Winchester and Western Railroad 322 WWR * Washington Western Railway 0 WWRC * Wilmington & Western Railway 0 WWSX Standard Car Truck Co. 1 WYCX Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. 52 WYEC * Wye Transportation Co. 0 WYS * Wyandotte Southern Railroad 0 XTRX XTRA Inc. 1734 XTTX Trailer Train Co. 211 YAN Yancey Railroad 0 YARR * Youngstown & Austintown Railroad 0 YS Youngstown & Southern Railway 384 YSDX Youngstown Steel Door Co. ? YSMX Canadian Gypsum Co. Ltd. 75 YSTX Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. ? YW Yreka Western Railroad 29 ZCCX Zeigler Coal Co. 77 ZIPX Zip Transportation Co. 42 ZRNX Erie City Energy Div., Zurn Industries Inc. ? ZTLX Ziol Tank Line 8 ZTTX Trailer Train Co. 58