The Class One Clip Art Archive is a collection of rail-related icons and drawings. They are NOT freeware but LINKWARE. Use of the icons must be accompanied with a note "Icons courtesy of the Webville and Hypertext Railroad Company". Please inform the author of any such public usage. If you use it for non-public use, just tell anyone who asks where you got it from.These renditions (not the concepts) are Copyrighted © 1997 Christopher D Coleman. Editing the images does not invalidate this Copyright.
I will enrtain requests for additional icons or enhanced versions of the current ones.
Due to a lack of space and a lack of time to keep it maintained I am seeking another site which is interested in taking over management and storage of the old PSU train sound archive. Only established and well cared for sites will be considered. If you are interested please Mail me. The Big Toot Sound Archive is a collection of railroad, railway, and related sounds based on the now defunct Portland State University archive. Special thanks to Evan Werkema for preserving those files so they could be presented here. As time and space allow, I may add additional sound files.
These files remain the property of their respective recorders.
This page last updated 12-30-00 by
Christopher D. Coleman
Contact Information